Ellie after she received her art award at school.
Grandma and Grandpa Lambert were here taking care of the kids while we were in Hawaii. After we got home they stayed for a few days. This is a sweet picture of Grandmother and Granddaughter during Emma's soccer practice.
Isn't she cute?
Ellie's art was also chosen to be in a display in the mall. Here is her masterpiece.
Daddy's big 35th birthday.
The staff at work put a little party together for him. We went bowling. You can see Destiny (his hygenist), Candy (front desk) and Kathy (assistant).
What form!
Tell Kyle Happy Birthday for us! Looks like fun. I think that Brooklyn looks a lot like Ellie. They are so cute.
WOW Kyle you are getting old. The girls are getting so big. Good job Ellie on your art work.
I really enjoyed the great and terrible books. They really made me think about how bad things could get in an instant. It really made me want to be better prepared both physically and spiritually.
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