I am very aware that I yet again have neglected this blog but am determined to post more regularly. This will catch you up on some of the things that have been happening in the last month. Feb. 8th was Brooklyn's first birthday. She was not so interested in the cake.
Ellie was trying to entice her into eating it but she just thought Ellie was funny.
Emma wanted to be the statue of liberty so she has her crown, book and torch.
Emma just started soccer for the first time. This is her first soccer practice.
She's a pro already.
Kyle's sister Maryn, her husband Jamin and their daughters Audrey and Millie came for a visit.
This is a day at the park.
We took them to Denver to the aquarium.
This is a huge eel.
Emma and Ellie climbed the tree to push the buzzer at the top.
Emma's statue of Liberty is hilarious!! (and very creative I might add) And Emma looks like a force to be reckoned with out on the soccer field. Happy Birthday Brooklyn! Crazy to think she is a year old.
YAY, a post! I love the pictures. Can't beleive how old all the girls look. It kinda makes me sad...
It is good to catch up with what you guys are doing. Hope the pregnancy is going well.
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