Tuesday, September 22, 2015

a little of summer and fall

 Again... these are totally out of order but they are from 3 different cameras and seem to have a mind of their own when I upload them.  You will get the jist.

 A few more of Breckenridge

 My birthday in Canada
 Taber rodeo

 Brooklyn literally lived and Bonnie's farm with Sam and Mackinley.  I barely saw her all of July

 We met up with the Lybberts for a fun morning of Fort MacLeod

 A walk around Henderson Lake with Grandma and Aunt Binny

 The annual pj run to sonic with the cousins

 Mia's birthday party.

 First day of school for the freshman,
 6th grader,

 2nd grader
 and first grader

 Another musical with the family
 Shooting group date

 Since we got back from Canada Brooklyn has started riding lessons
First homecomming

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