Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pics from Kyle's phone

 Mia dropped my camera and broke it so the only camera we have right now in our family is Kyle's phone.  I finally put the pictures on the computer so I could do a blog entry.  This is a hodgepodge of everything that was on his phone.  It is chronologically backward starting with the most recent.
 After Stake Conference we thought we would head up to the mountains to Rocky Mountain National Park since it was a beautiful October day.  You can barely see Stefanie, Ellie and Emma at the top.
 We went to Alluvial Fan and had a great time climbing around.

 Emma and Brooklyn are Rammettes this year which is a program for kids run by the CSU Ram cheerleaders.
 They perform at CSU sporting events.  Their first major performance was at a volleyball game.  Two of their coaches, Molly and Shane are in this picture with them.

 A few weeks before the volleyball game they walked in the Homecoming parade and performed at the pep rally.

 It was really cold that day as is evident by my little snuggle bug here.

 Emma's party was a luau theme.
 Ellie and Claire planned and executed the whole thing with only minor assistance from mom.  It was great.  I will have to hire her as my permanent party planner.
 Mom was on a youth temple trip so dad decided to take all the girls to a baseball game on fireworks night.  They all had a great time.
 Dad was on a mountain biking trip with some friends when he had an accident.  This picture is after it was cleaned and sewn up.  Don't look further if you have a weak stomach.
 This is before it was sewn up.
 He also got his arm pretty good too.
Back in the spring we had a fun night with friends shooting guns.

 Fun at the pool with the Fowlers.